Immunization Program

Immunization Program
During these times of the Coronavirus (CoVID-19) pandemic, we are offering reduced immunization services including:
- Clients will be seen by appointment only. For an appointment, please call our office at 410-396-4454, Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
- Whenever possible, registration, including the collection of vaccination records and insurance cards, will be completed in advance when the client/parent schedules their appointment.
- Clients and their parents/guardians will need to be wearing face coverings at all times.
- Clients and their parents/guardians will be screened for temperature and CoVID-19 symptoms. Clients having a temperature and/or CoVID-19 symptoms will be rescheduled.
- Please respect social distancing.
*** Visit the Baltimore City's website for additional information on Coronavirus (CoVID-19). The Maryland Department of Health also offers Coronavirus information on its website.
*** Our T.I.K.E. immunization clinics are offering free 2024-2025 Coronavirus (CoVID-19) vaccinations to adults who have no medical insurance, who have Medicaid, or whose medical insurance does not cover immunizations. T.I.K.E. Adult CoVID-19 clinics will be held at our Eastern Health District (1200 E Fayette St - 21202) on Fridays, only, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Walk-ins are welcome. Please see the attached TIKE Adult CoVID-19 Vaccination Schedule for October 2024.
FIGHT THE FLU - Cold, wintry weather brings an increased chance of catching the flu (influenza). The flu is spread from person to person by coughing and sneezing, or by direct contact with infected people or contaminated objects. During these times of Coronavirus (CoVID-19), protecting yourself against the flu is even more import to safeguard you and your family's health. Just like with CoVID-19, you can take effective, common sense measures to help prevent yourself and others from catching the flu including: (1) wash your hands; (2) cover your sneezes and coughs; (3) wear a face covering; (4) avoid close contact with people who are sick and generally practice social distancing; and, (5) stay home when you are sick. For additional information, please go to the Baltimore City Health Department's Flu site.
Vaccinations are a proven and safe way to help your body's immune system fight the flu. This year, our T.I.K.E. clinics will be giving free flu vaccinations to children who are at least 6 months old, adolescents and adults. For children and adolescents, flu clinics are by appointment on Mondays - Thursdays, and by walking-in (no appointment needed) on Fridays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Children may receive their flu shots alongside other routine vaccinations. Unfortunately, at this time we have not received our shipment of adult flu vaccine.
The Baltimore City Health Department’s Immunization Program offers services to help prevent vaccine-preventable disease, conduct disease surveillance, and provide and monitor immunization-related health education and community outreach.
- Free T.I.K.E. Clinics to those children and adolescents who qualify. Please see the attached TIKE Non COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Schedule for October 2024.
- Baltimore’s Immunization Registry Project (B.I.R.P.) works with the Maryland Department of Health's "ImmuNET" immunization information system to collect and securely disclose vaccination records for children – adolescents – young adults. Call: 410-545-3048.
- Community Education and Outreach. Call: 410-396-7575
- The Baltimore City Health Department's Lead Poisoning Prevention Program will be doing Blood Lead Testing at selected TIKE immunization clinics, including:
* Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
* Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Lead testing at these TIKE clinics is done for children 9 months to 6 years. Testing is free. Clients will be seen on a walk-in, first come first service basis up to twenty children per day. For more information about lead testing including other locations where you can take you child to be tested, please contact BCHD's Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at (443) 984-2460.
The Baltimore City Health Department's Immunization Program is located at the Eastern Health District at 1200 E Fayette St - 21202 on the northeast corner of Fayette St & Aisquith St.
- How can I get immunizations for my child? We recommend going to your child’s doctor. If you do not have a medical provider, have Medicaid or Maryland's "HealthChoice" insurance, or do not have medical insurance that covers immunizations, you can come to our T.I.K.E. (To Immunize Kids Everywhere) Clinics. Clients are seen by appointment only. To make your appointment please call our office at 410-396-4454. Please see the attached TIKE Non COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Schedule for October 2024.
- What immunizations are recommended? [Maryland Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule 2024] [CDC Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule 2023]
- How can I make sure my child will meet their school’s immunization requirements? All children and young adults need to have an up-to-date copy of their immunization records to be enrolled in licensed daycare or in school. If you would like assistance in determining whether or not your child has their required immunizations, please bring their shot record to their school’s health suite, your child’s doctor, or to our TIKE clinic. [Maryland School Vaccine Requirements Year 2024-2025]
- How can I get a copy of my child’s or my shot record? We may be able to retrieve a copy of your or your child’s immunization record as transcribed into the Maryland's "ImmuNET" registry. Please call us at 410-545-3048.
- How can I get more information about immunizations? [Maryland Department of Health's Center for Immunization] [CDC Commonly Asked Questions for Parents] [CDC "Vacunas para sus niños"]
- How can I get vaccine information sheets in another language? [Immunization Action Coalition]
- Where can I get information about immunizations needed for overseas travel including general travel precautions and country alerts? [CDC Travel Information] [Find a Travel Clinic]
Contact Information
Immunization Program
Baltimore City Health Department
Division of Youth Wellness & Community Health
Maternal & Child Health
1200 E Fayette St Floor 1 West
Baltimore MD 21202-4721
Tel: 410-396-4454
Fax: 410-396-3965
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